Key Ratios

Price & Volume
Recent Price$78.67
52 Week High$104.76
52 Week Low$75.05
Average Volume (30 days)672.65K
Share Related Items
Market Cap$4.42B
Shares Outstanding55.90M
Dividend Information
Yield %4.32%
Annual Dividend$3.40
Payout Ratio21.7%
Financial Strength
Quick Ratio (MRQ)0.7
Current Ratio (MRQ)2.0
LT Debt/Capital (MRQ)19%
Total Debt/Equity (MRQ)41%
Valuation Ratios
Price/Earnings (TTM)17.01
Price/Sales (TTM)1.15
Price/Book (MRQ)3.16
Price/Cash Flow (TTM)10.30
Per Share Data
Earnings (TTM)$5.15
Sales (TTM)$68.35
Book Value (MRQ)$24.90
Cash Flow (TTM)$7.35
Cash (MRQ)$1.60
Management Effectiveness
Return on Equity (TTM)18.0%
Return on Assets (TTM)10.3%
Return on Investment (TTM)13.1%
Gross Margin (TTM)41.2%
EBIT Margin (TTM)9.0%
Profit Margin (TTM)6.8%
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